35mm Cameras
This is my first professional camera. It is a Nikon F2 Photomic with Nikkor 300mm f4.5 lens purchased new in the Autumn of 1974. It is still in full working order! This camera, with this and other lenses, took most of the pictures shown in Outfoxed (1983) and its later version - Outfoxed Take Two (2015). It is a fully manual 35mm camera. You have to focus the lens and set the right exposure by balancing a swinging needle. The film had to be advanced manually. You had colour print film, black and white print film and colour slide film in 36 and 24 exposure cartons. You had to send the film away for processing before you knew the result. The camera was hollowed out of a solid block of steel and was tough!
This is the next generation of Nikon professional camera - the Nikon F3. Here with a Nikkor 80-200mm f4 zoom lens. You still had to focus the lens and advance the film manually - and it still used 35mm film. I purchased this camera secondhand in the mid-1980's.
Here is a special lens - one of the best telephoto lenses of its day - the Reflex-Nikkor 500mm f8 mirror lens. It had a shallow depth of field and focusing was critical.
Here is an example of an image that I took with this lens whilst working undercover within the world of bloodsports. It shows greyhounds closing on a hare at the Waterloo Cup hare coursing event held near Liverpool on February 28th 1989. The picture is used in Outfoxed Again (2017).